Information in English

Welcome to Uppsala kulturskola. Here you will find the answers to frequently asked questions, important information regarding the courses we offer and practical information about the school.

Who can enrol in Uppsala kulturskola?

Uppsala kulturskola has a municipal mission to offer dance, film, music, theatre and visual art tuition to students between the ages of 6 and 20. To apply to Uppsala kulturskola you must be registered in the municipality of Uppsala.

You will need a personal identity number to apply to Uppsala kulturskola. (Swedish national ID number, birthdate plus four digits, for example 090101-xxxx).

Please observe that our courses are taught in Swedish.


Since the autumn semester of 2023, Uppsala kulturskola uses Studyalong as a student system. In Studyalong, if you want to apply for a course at the school, you can see directly which courses are available and can book an available time. When all courses are booked, there is an opportunity to make an expression of interest, and the school then has the opportunity to contact you if a course becomes available during the semester. To be able to apply for a course at Uppsala kulturskola, you need to be registered on Studyalong.

Information on how to register, book a course or make a semester re-registration

You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions regarding applications.

Can I attend multiple courses at the same time?

You may only be admitted to one instrumental course at a time at Uppsala kulturskola. However, you can combine a musical instrument course with a course in either dance, theatre or visual arts. However, please note that the family discount fee applies only for one course per child. FMT (functional music therapy) can also be attended if you are enrolled in another course.

Choirs and orchestras

Choirs and orchestras are counted as supplementary to tuition and are free of charge if you already play an instrument with us. You may also participate in choirs separately. For information on fees for participating solely in choirs, see below.

Lesson cancellations

Information regarding lesson cancellations are sent by text message and/or e-mail to the contact details you have registered in Studyalong. We have a guarantee of a minimum of 28 lessons per school year. Lessons over and above the minimum guarantee that are cancelled will not be replaced.

Academic year and holidays

Uppsala kulturskola follows the same academic year and holiday schedule as the primary and secondary schools.

Absence from lessons

If a student has symptoms of illness, they must stay home from the lesson. Always notify your teacher in the first instance via Studyalong (absence registration cheat sheet (PDF, 245 KB)) or via text message, phone or email in case of illness/impediment. If none of these options work, call the office: 018-727 20 87.

Orchestras and ensembles

Are you interested in playing orchestra or ensemble? Talk to your teacher. It is the teacher who decides when it's time to start playing in an orchestra. We expect that students who are offered places in orchestras or ensembles will participate, as it is an important aspect of the tuition we offer.

Study materials

It is the student’s responsibility to pay for necessary study materials.


At some schools, there are code locks – keep the codes secret from other parties.


Once you have accepted a course and have a time booked, you are liable to pay for the entire semester, even if you change your mind and finish the course before the end of the semester.

Course tuition: 1 050 SEK/semester
Course tuition: student aged over 20 years: 2 775 SEK/semester
FMT Functional Music Therapy: 1050 SEK/semester
FMM/FMT: 1 050 SEK/semester

Choirs and orchestras are free of charge for those who pay a course tuition fee. The fee for choirs and orchestra participation without attending another course at Uppsala kulturskola is: 510 SEK/semester

Family fees

The maximum amount charged when several siblings are students is 2 125 SEK per semester. The maximum amount applies only to one course per student and does not include instrument rental. Please note that the family fee is under assessment autumn 2018 and is subject to change.

Instrument rental

Most instruments are available for rental from us except for recorder, electric bass, electric guitar, keyed fiddle, piano, guitar and drums/percussion.

Rental is 510 SEK per semester, which is invoiced together with the tuition fee for the semester. The leaseholder is responsible for expendable supplies during the rental period (new strings, reeds etcetera).

Instruments can be collected and returned by appointment through our caretaker: Ferkó Matolcsi, Skolgatan 51, Monday to Friday. Call 018-727 20 81 or e-mail to

Lesson Guarantee

Uppsala kulturskola has a guarantee of 28 lessons per school year if you are a student throughout the entire school year (this rule does not apply to Functional Music Therapy). The 28 lessons guarantee includes scheduled classes, additional rehearsals, concerts, study visits, seminars and other activities related to teaching.

If you have received less than 28 lessons during one school year and we are accountable, we will offer you reimbursement in time or a lower fee the following semester.
